For me this is one of the most important steps in starting conceptual work. I like to use this initial phase to learn as much as I can about a client and what they are looking for. Acquiring this information allows me to find the best way to help solve their problems creatively and efficiently.
2. Conceptualization
This step is where I take all of the information that i have acquired and start to formulate my ideas by writing. I use word list and diagrams before I start writing full concepts, tag-lines and messaging.
Also I use this opportunity to look as various examples of design for inspiration. Some of the platforms that I use to search for design work include Pinterest and Behance.
3. Sketching
This step is where I begin to visualize all of my ideas, such as sketching out what I feel are my best ideas. I also like to sketch elements from concepts that I do not move forward with because they may become useful later.
The sketches are quick and easily produced representations of the concepts. I like using tracing paper to make changes to the sketches so I can return to the original at any time.
I don’t focus on the quality of the sketch because that is a waste of time and can be flushed out later with whatever concept is moved forward.
4. Rough Design
I like to build out my roughs on the computer because it is a lot easier and faster to change things like color, type face, and images. This step allows me to make corrections and take suggestions from others.
Printing out my rough designs can be very useful because it allows me to see how the design would look when printed. It can also help to point out pre-print production corrections that need to be made.
5. Final Design
The example used in this process is the VB Wave Trolly Schedule. It is a Tri-fold brochure, the provided image shows the inside flap, back cover and front.